BlogDeliverability3 Ways to Enhance Your Email Marketing Deliverability

3 Ways to Enhance Your Email Marketing Deliverability

2 min read
Marketing Director @Ongage

Your email’s deliverability is what determines whether or not your email campaigns hit your recipients’ inboxes, or whether they redirect to the spam folder — or worse still, bounce back!

It’s important to strive for or maintain a strong deliverability rate as, ultimately, this is what gets your emails seen by more people, driving your messages and your ROI.

There are a number of elements that can harm your brand’s deliverability score, including sending without authentication or sending too many ‘spammy’ messages. That’s why it’s key to track your deliverability and practice methods that help optimize or improve it.

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Maintaining great list hygiene is number 1

There are a whole load of tips and tricks you can employ in order to achieve and then maintain a great deliverability rate, from looking at your domain and IP choices right down to your email content.

However, the biggest thing to remember is that it all comes down to your data.

Let’s face it, no matter how great-looking your email campaign is or how much time and effort has gone into it, whether or not your recipient actually gets to see it is the priority. So beyond the tips and tricks, collecting and maintaining quality data lists is what’s at the heart of ensuring your emails hit the inbox and stay there.

This involves collecting data organically, through the right means, with added processes like double opt-in for extra verification, as well as regularly cleansing your lists and re-engaging with lapsed recipients. Take the time to purge your email marketing lists regularly to remove outdated contacts, invalid email addresses or accounts that have not responded to opt-in requests.

That aside, beyond this core practice here are our 3 top ways to enhance your deliverability:

1. Routing based on set segments

Sender-routing in this way means routing your email marketing messages based on the target audience and segment. One example of this would be saving costs by sending all types of transactional emails (like order confirmations) with a lower cost provider, and your promotional emails with a more-specialist one. You could also approach this use by emailing your most loyal or most highly-engaged recipient segments via provider A, and your less-engaged audience segments via sender B — this would help to ensure a better deliverability for your more important audience segments. You can find out more here.

2. Mastering your email content

Great content resonates with your recipients, and that’s what will keep them opening your emails and coming back for more. Avoiding sending emails with misleading subject lines or elements like from names will ensure your emails aren’t being considered as deceptive or detected by ISPs. Further to this, tailoring your email campaigns with Ongage’s segmentation tools lets email marketers segment their campaigns based on multiple parameters with ease — including elements like location, engagement, purchasing behavior and so on. All of these elements provide your recipients with a more valuable experience with your brand, resulting in stronger brand connection and higher chances of conversion.

3. Routing via email delivery provider

Routing via email delivery provider involves choosing to route your emails through a range of ESPs, SMTP relays and MTAs.

One example of this would be in creating your chosen segments based upon the various ISPs used within your lists, like Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo and so on. Routing emails with a certain domain through a specific delivery provider gives you an extra layer of control over your sends, which prioritizes sends by the best performing provider for that domain, keeping your delivery rates up and your bounces down. Voila!

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Enhance your deliverability with Ongage

While having an SMTP delivery vendor is a great, combining it with Ongage will open many doors for you which will boost deliverability and ROI.

The Ongage platform comes with a range of advanced segmentation features which assist with improving your deliverability score, save time, energy and money , all while providing the ability to target campaigns with pinpoint precision.

Marketing Director @Ongage
Marketing Director @Ongage. Sharon is an expert in online marketing, specializing in acquisition and growth strategies. On her downtime, she loves spending time with her family and catching up on classic cult movies.

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