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6 Tips Gain Control Over Your Email Marketing Costs

2 min read
Email marketing platform

 According to a recent 2014 Econsultancy report, Email remains the best digital channel for ROI. But how do you maintain and keep increasing your ROI?

Find new ways to manage and reduce costs

Here we discuss 6 tips that will help you gain control over your email marketing costs, while maintaining the same level of activity. Spoiler: re-engagement email sequences will help you get there.

1. Email-Service-Vendor-Overkill

Are you using an expensive email service vendor to send all your emails, even transactional emails? You shouldn’t. Segment your activity and use a more advanced service provider for your promotional emails or for your most valuable list segment, and a cheaper service for your transactional emails or for less engaged segments within your list. You will maintain your performance while saving yourself a lot of money, especially if you’re running a high volume operation.Email-Service-Vendor-Overkill

2. Reuse content

Quality content comes at a cost. Email marketing content doesn’t need to be unique. The same content needs to be used across your different channels of communication, sometimes slightly tweaked by channels, and sometimes used as is. This sounds obvious but make sure this is well embedded within your marketing operations. Another high content cost comes from content marketing planning which isn’t managed or organized well enough within the company. This can cause content replication and redundancy which needs to be avoided.

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3. Retention vs. acquisition

It’s less expensive to keep on existing customers than it is to acquire new ones. Use marketing automation functionality on your email campaign management platform to setup trigger campaigns that will maximize your existing customer lifetime value by setting up a carefully-planned and tested cycle of email communications. The ROI of triggered campaigns will always be higher than manually setup campaigns due to the fact that your customers are getting tailored messages at the right time, improving relevancy, building trust and saving you a lot of time with the automation.

4. Be very relevant, send less emails

The more segmented your activity, the more relevant the messaging. Remove contacts from mailing lists that shouldn’t really be getting those email. If, for example, you have a segment of your list that hasn’t interacted with you in the past 6 months, don’t just send them the emails you send everyone else. Remove them from the normal campaign schedule and send them a very tailored and relevant message that will engage and re-activate them. This way you send less emails overall and save on volume costs.

5. Get more out of your data with better deliverability

Deliverability can be a problem for many email marketers. Especially when you send out high volumes of emails on a regular basis. Apart from implementing best practice throughout your email marketing operation, there are other ways to improve this by working with multiple email service providers. You can test deliverability rates using several ESPs and choose the ones that work best with your business, considerably improving deliverability rates.

6. Use templates, not one-off designs

Working with a designer and coder can become very costly if you create new designs for every campaign you send out, not to mention the time you need to invest in managing that process. Plan a set of templates that will support your different types of emails and activities, and reuse them over and over. You also gain a more visually-unified and branded form of communication with your customers.

Any killer tips to add? Let us know! @

About Ongage:

Ongage is a revolutionary email marketing platform that seamlessly connects to more than 50 of the world’s leading email service vendors (emails service providers and SMTP relays). With our platform you can easily work with multiple email service vendors at the same time, test their deliverability and performance, and find the vendors that will optimize your activity and business operation.

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Ongage is an email marketing platform for high-end campaigns, and mailers that want to communicate with, and get to know their customers better.

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