BlogFunnel optimization4 Tips To Boost Your Travel Email Campaigns

4 Tips To Boost Your Travel Email Campaigns

4 min read
Marketing Director @Ongage

The travel space is an exciting and growing industry, and as technology continues to evolve, the way we communicate with our consumers is changing. Travel email marketers face unique challenges when it comes to managing campaigns for several brands & sites, and reaching customers in a personalized way.

In this guide, we will share 4 tips that can fulfill the digital needs of travel professionals by simplifying email campaign management while improving email deliverability and reducing costs. 

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1. Increase engagement through personalization 

The more personalized and engaging your email is, the more a recipient will want to open and engage with it. Creating dynamic content by customizing fields such as demographics or areas of interest, will help you create personalized and tailored emails for your users.

You can send personalized emails populated by your dynamic feed with the right email marketing platform. For example, if you send an email to hotel seekers, you can create a campaign with a feed that fetches hotels based on certain data points about each recipient and what they are looking for. For example, someone who is planning a trip to Houston, Texas, will receive different hotel offers than a person who wants to travel to London, England. The amazing advantage of this feature is that one large campaign can be sent to thousands of micro-segments, each with their own tailored content for their specific travel preferences. It also helps to save overhead costs.

If-then-else logic will also help you achieve the personalization you are looking for. You can use this logic to personalize the content of an email message per campaign. For example, if within one campaign, you want to send one type of content to those living in Europe, and a different type to those living in the US, you can personalize the emails using just one campaign. This helps you cut down on the number of campaigns you need to create.

You can use personalization with transactional emails as well whether you’re sending a 1 on 1 automated email to a user based on their actions or you have your own content server where you use a feed that produces a unique email for each recipient based on their past purchases. If a user booked a hotel in Miami, Florida, you can send them a confirmation email while also suggesting car rentals in the area. The more personalized you are in your emails, the more engaged your users will be.

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2. Manage multiple lists

Whether you’re a brand agency or an affiliate, you most likely need to manage several brands and different offers all at once, each one of them requires its own special love, tender and care. With so much variation, you need an email marketing platform that has the ability to manage multiple email users lists – be it for diverse brands, audiences, GEOs and more.

Most travel companies need to manage different brands or products that have their own customers lists. A customer who subscribes to one of your brands or products didn’t sign up to receive emails from another one of your brands. It’s important to make sure you build accurate lists for all of your brands and products so that you send the right content to the right people.

By managing multiple lists you also make sure that users will keep getting content they’re interested in. Say Josh from Chicago just received an email with amazing car rental offers, but he doesn’t really enjoy driving, and for this vacation he just wants to chill at the beach. Since Josh isn’t interested in offers like these, he hits the unsubscribe button. If you’re managing multiple lists, Josh will still get all of your newsletters and enticing offers on hotels and flights. But if you happen to go by the “one list to rule them all” mindset, Josh will never get another email from you.

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3. Use multiple SMTPs

On top of managing multiple brands easily, you should consider integrating several SMTP relay services with your email marketing platform. By doing so you get to decide which SMTP you want to use for your segmented lists. Typically, marketers choose to use a less tolerant SMTP for active users, and a more tolerant one for dormant users. Having this choice allows you to customize your campaigns and improve your email deliverability.

Another advantage of using multiple SMTPs is being able to route high-paying revenue segments using a more expensive delivery vendor that ensures better delivery, while at the same time, send lower paying segments with less expensive vendors. Taken together, you are now able to optimize your costs and revenues, and increase your ROI.

On top of that, using a platform that lets you choose between multiple vendors can be a campaign saver during any technical difficulties. If email marketing is a key revenue channel for your company, you will be able to switch vendors immediately without any operational disruption during a performance drop or technical outage.

4. Analyze campaigns to boost KPIs

Capturing the right data is crucial to measuring the success of any campaign. The more you know about your recipients and performance, the more strategic you can be moving forward.

With Ongage, you can collect and analyze behavioral and non-behavioral data to segment all users and increase ROI. Its robust analytics measure email opens, clicks, unsubscribes, recipient complaints, GEOs, browsers, OS, and more!

Choosing an email platform with in-depth analytics is really important when it comes to understanding your customers and how you communicate with them. You can analyze campaign performance, how individual recipients behave, and even take a look at how your emails varied by delivery vendor and recipient ISP domain.

Data will also enable better segmentation and help you recognize common trends when you analyze email performance over time. For example, by tracking campaign performance, you can determine if there is a problem with your inbox placement, or if a certain offer performed better than another. Make sure you are capturing the right data with each and every campaign you send.  

On top of all this, you can also integrate your backend CRM, data warehouse, or customer intelligence platform with Ongage’s full-featured API for streamlined and optimal email marketing.

As a travel professional, using an advanced email marketing platform that can do all of the above and more can substantially drive your marketing strategy while increasing ROI and revenues. Click the button to receive a free trial of Ongage and learn how we can help you grow.

Marketing Director @Ongage
Marketing Director @Ongage. Sharon is an expert in online marketing, specializing in acquisition and growth strategies. On her downtime, she loves spending time with her family and catching up on classic cult movies.

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