Professional email marketing can be a complex operation and simplifying it (while saving time) is priceless. Ongage now offers you a new way to simplify the customization of your headers and footers:
Headers and footers 101
WHAT is header and footer customization
This new Ongage feature (which is included in all Ongage accounts) allows you to automatically set a header and footer per list and to easily manage multiple clients, brands and product lines.
WHO should use header and footer automation?
This feature is for email marketers who manage multiple clients / brands and do any of these:
- Send emails to different lists for different brands
- Send emails to different lists, on behalf of different customers
- Comply with the Canada Anti-Spam Law, CASL and CAN-SPAM. Now you can easily add your name, the person on whose behalf you are sending (if any), your physical mailing address and your telephone number, email address, or website URL
- Want an automated way to add headers and footers to all messages
WHY you should it
If you’re serious about optimizing and streamlining your email marketing operation, this feature will:
- Save you time by automating the header and footer that is right for each list
- Save you headaches by complying with applicable laws and regulations
- Keep you organized with the right information sent to the right recipients
HOW to use it
Detailed instructions are available here.
The feature is currently available to all Ongage users and is already being used successfully by email marketing agencies and affiliate marketers throughout the world. If you have any questions or would like further guidance about how to personalize your header and footer, please contact us.