BlogMultichannelShould You Go for SMS or Email Marketing Campaigns?

Should You Go for SMS or Email Marketing Campaigns?

2 min read
Marketing Director @Ongage

Both email and SMS provide targeted, personalized communication, delivered instantly and directly to customers’ mobile devices.  

Many campaigns are still single channel focused and one-way push campaigns, but delivering over multiple channels and encouraging customer interaction increases conversions.

Email and SMS are two channels that are effective individually, but when used in combination provide a powerful opportunity to capitalize on the strengths of both methods for even higher engagement and conversion rates.

This blog covers case studies where businesses have experienced this success, as well as a use-case where this combination can be used to great effect.

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Do you really need to choose?

On average, 90 percent of SMS messages get opened within 90 seconds, and 98 percent of all text messages are opened.

Customers are highly reliant on their phones and increasingly happy to communicate with businesses via mobile means.

Email also sends personalized and targeted content directly to your recipients.

However, there is no need to choose. Use both!

Using email and SMS marketing taps into customers’ preferences and improves your engagement rates. Customers who prefer email will respond to that channel, whereas SMS has its own captivated audience who tend to respond more favorably to text messages.

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Case studies that show results

Many businesses are already seeing success via a combined approach to customer engagement.

1. SportsPower: sporting goods retailer

SMS messages – in combination with email campaigns – were used to invite 2,000 customers to VIP sales nights before SportsPower’s twice-yearly sales.

This method delivered the two most successful sales nights to date, with 30-40 percent of SportsPower’s VIP database attending the event or visiting the store within the following days.

2. EdSmart: workflow solutions for the education industry

EdSmart uses a multi-channel strategy to reach parents using SMS, emails, and app notifications.

This has produced response rates from parents of 65 percent within 24 hours, with some schools reaching an 88 percent response rate within 24 hours.

3. Australian Institute of Personal Trainers (AIPT): provider of practical fitness education

SMS is commonly used at AIPT to follow up on emails. For example, a student support officer may book a coaching session time with a student. They will then follow that contact up with an SMS for confirmation and as a reminder.

AIPT is achieving excellent results in using the SMS system as a follow-up tool for communication with students.

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Other great examples of using emails and SMS effectively

Email and SMS are used across several industries to support:

  • Sales and event promotions – when an email about an upcoming event or sale is sent, followed by a last-minute SMS reminder to register or attend.
  • Middle and bottom of the funnel promotions – detailed product information distributed via email before a sale, and a follow-up SMS to highlight particular products, specials or deals.
  • Engagement
    • Casting a wide net, and then targeting with hooks – a broadcast email to a broad group, followed by a targeted SMS to those who responded to the email.
    • Double-tap opt-in – an email requesting customers to confirm their contact details, followed by an SMS, to prompt a response. In addition, this method helps to catch those customers with outdated email addresses.

Remember to comply

It’s critical to comply with US and EU regulatory and telecommunication industry rules that govern the use of SMS by businesses and organizations.

These include (among other requirements) customer consent, opt-out clauses, and records of consent.

SMS is an ever-changing medium of communication, so ensure your SMS provider has the experience to guide you, particularly in relation to upcoming changes in compliance.

Start your email and SMS marketing campaign today

Contact Ongage to start building effective and engaging email and SMS marketing campaigns for your business.

About MessageMedia

MessageMedia is a global messaging provider that helps businesses of all sizes – from SMBs to enterprise-level – better connect with customers. With 90 percent of messages read within 90 seconds and more than 50,000 customers worldwide, MessageMedia is Australia’s largest specialist messaging provider and drives business success by creating engaging mobile experiences that customers love. With offices across Australia, United States, United Kingdom, and New Zealand, MessageMedia enables businesses to engage their customers in a connected, mobile world in a personal yet scalable way.

Marketing Director @Ongage
Marketing Director @Ongage. Sharon is an expert in online marketing, specializing in acquisition and growth strategies. On her downtime, she loves spending time with her family and catching up on classic cult movies.

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