BlogEmail analyticsOptimizing Email Analytics Part 2: Diving Deep Into Data

Optimizing Email Analytics Part 2: Diving Deep Into Data

3 min read
Marketing Director @Ongage

This article is part 2 of a 2 part series on Optimizing your email Analytics. To read part 1 of the series – “The Power of Crowd Wisdom” click here

Understanding basic email KPIs such as open rate, click rate, click through rate and more is critical for email marketers looking to improve campaign effectiveness and increase ROI.Doing so enables marketers to understand their audiences’ needs better and react accordingly, optimizing campaigns in the short and long run. However, email marketers looking to do more with their data and improve their campaigns even further need to dive deeper into their data to uncover the nuanced factors that make a difference in campaign effectiveness and have the strongest impact on profitability and brand reputation.

In this article we are going to shed light on some of the key insights email marketers should explore beyond the traditional KPIs in order to dive deep into their data and maximize their campaign effectiveness.

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Why Dive Deep into Campaigns?  

Diving deep into a single campaign is not a new concept for email marketers, however it is a crucial aspect of email marketing campaign management and should be done following every campaign.  

Beyond the obvious – which is looking at the campaign data and understanding how the campaign impacted conversions – there is a lot more that can be done when examining a single campaign.

When diving deep into aggregated data, companies are able to understand the data from a variety of angles, uncovering new insights into their recipients behavior, which in turn can help improve campaign effectiveness in the long run.

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Discovering the Difference in Devices

Since email marketers strive to increase campaign engagement and conversion, it is imperative that they provide recipients with campaigns that are catered to their specific need. A simple and effective way to that is by examining the analytics regarding browser or operating system used.

Exploring list analytics to understand what format users engage content on will help email marketers optimize campaign content or design in a way that maximizes conversion and revenue. For example, if email marketers see that recipients of a particular list or brand favor mobile phones over desktops, campaign marketing content should be designed to be mobile-first.

eCommerce companies can also dive deep into the device used in order to assess if there is a difference in revenue generation or payout per device. Companies may find that clicks and payouts differ from iPhone to Windows phone and as a result, adapt their campaigns to meet the needs of the highest revenue generating users.

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Know How Your Email Is Received – Everywhere

The beauty of email is that a company does not need to be in the same location as their recipients in order to send an effective campaign. As a result, email marketers often find themselves managing campaigns for dozens of locations. To ensure this is done in the most effective way, email marketers need to have the ability to dive deep into campaign performance per country.

One of the things email marketers can examine when diving deep into analytics per country, is that their campaigns are performing in the most effective way in their desired Geolocation. Since different countries rely on different providers, and different EST/SMTP providers may operate differently in different countries, checking that geo-targeting in particular locations is working is crucial for maintaining ongoing operations. Knowing the behavior of recipients in each targeted country also provides email marketers with the opportunity to analyze the unique culture and shopping habits per location, improving their ability to localize promotions, copy and creatives based on location.  

The variance of emails performance in different locations also depends on the time of delivery. Since most platforms send email in bulk, email marketers that want to maximize efficiency and optimize campaigns should consider sending emails with delivery based on timezone and not send time. Companies that send campaigns worldwide can do this with Ongage’s “send by timezone” feature which ensures delivery at the desired local time of each user.

Isolating Elements to Compare Campaigns  

Today, email marketers have the ability to dive deeper into their data than ever before, and one of the strongest indication of that power is the ability to analyze campaigns by tag. An email tag is a unique characteristic that allow you to isolate and examine emails based on a specific characteristic. For example, emails sent on a particular day, emails sent over the weekend, quarterly sale emails etc.

A powerful email marketing platform needs to provide email marketers with the ability to analyze campaigns based on these specific characterizations and compare them to similar campaigns in their archives. In doing so, email marketers are able to compare performance of several campaigns that have something in common.

For example, companies that frequently run promotional sales can perform a per tag analysis in order to assess the performance of the different campaigns with in the same category. Using tag analysis, it becomes possible to cross examine campaigns such as “fall special“ vs “spring special” or comparing different campaigns with the term “offer” to see how they perform compared with one another and over time.

How to Dive Deep into Data

Email marketers continually strive to improve deliverability and optimize conversion since there is always room for improvement (unless you’re rocking 100% opens and 100% conversions 100% of the time).

To continually optimize campaigns and improve results, email marketers need to examine data on an ongoing basis and dive as deep as possible in order to understand what will drive a positive shift in their results, and ultimately, their ROI.

The most crucial thing email marketers need in order to truly dive deep into their data and ensure optimization of campaigns is continual is an email marketing platform that lets them control the parameters they want to see and doesn’t limit the possibilities of cross examining and analyzing data.

Fortunately, that’s exactly what Ongage has to offer.

Click the button to try Ongage for free and see just how deep you can dive into your data when you use our cutting edge email marketing management platform.

Marketing Director @Ongage
Marketing Director @Ongage. Sharon is an expert in online marketing, specializing in acquisition and growth strategies. On her downtime, she loves spending time with her family and catching up on classic cult movies.

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