BlogDeliverability25% Of Emails Never Reach The Inbox, What Are You Doing About It?

25% Of Emails Never Reach The Inbox, What Are You Doing About It?

2 min read
Ofer Shani is the President and General Manager of Ongage

 A lot has been said about email marketing. What to write, how to write it, when is the best time to send it so you increase performance. Performance is all we talk about when we say “email marketing”. We care about performance so much, because eventually it all leads to ROI. THAT is the buttom line.

So what do you do to increase performance?

You’re probably a savvy marketer. You know the nuts and bolts of email marketing optimization, so you probably continue on doing what you’ve always been doing:

Regularly clean (and dust off when needed) your lists

ISPs will block with soft-bounces, emails sent to addresses that fell out of use, and in some cases, they’ll turn those addresses to what’s known as spam traps. This in turn earns negative reputation to the sender. Sender’s reputation, as you know, is very important. Reputable senders enjoy successful deliverability. For a good and clean list, you need to do certain things like: remove all inactive users, authenticate new email addresses, promptly remove all unsubscribes and hard bounces from your list.


The emails should be relevant to the subscriber and the content should be goal oriented, perfectly designed, so that, it interests each segment. You can captivate a receiver’s attention in various ways! Engaging content is important to interest the readers, hence it’s importance in the email marketing strategy.

Enough said about content

We all know it’s the king (and the Queen), and you always make the max for creating valuable, quality content.

And still, after doing all that –chances are that 25% of your email won’t even reach the inbox! SO – when do you start measuring performance? After the email reaches the inbox? Of course not! How much is 25% worth to you? If 25% fails to reach the inbox, and you have a 30% opening rate (kudos to you!), it can actually be 40%! if only the rest of the 25% reached the inbox…it’s quite a difference, don’t you think? If performance leads to ROI then It could mean a lot when we talk ROI.

So – what else you can do about it?

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What about optimization of the vendor/ESP ?

If you are using only one ESP it’s time to progress. Using multiple service providers has some very compelling benefits.

Optimize Email Delivery KPIs: Inbox Placement, Opens, Clicks, Post Click Conversions

No one email sending system is going to have peak delivery performance at all times. At times, one might do a better with some domains (, Yahoo) and another with others (Gmail, AOL). By split testing two or more ESPs you can easily determine which is doing best, and at the push of a button route your emails based on best performance. This instantly raises all your KPIs from inbox placement to opens clicks and most importantly your bottom line post click conversions.

Matching Segment Profiles to ESPs

ESPs can have different deliverability to different segments. For example, a local Russian ESP may have higher deliverability to .ru domains and a Japanese service may do better within their country.

But it goes beyond geography and ISPs domains as mentioned above. Some ESPs offer specialties in better handling certain verticals, e.g., one might be better with online retail, another with online game and third with affiliate lead generation.

So by best matching your segmented audiences to ESPs, marketers can increase deliverability, email marketing performance and best of all – revenues!

You can keep on optimizing every aspect of your email marketing campaigns: clean your lists, segment, create better content and attractive offers, and more –but if you won’t also check how your ESP is performing, and optimize it you will probably remain with the same 25% not reaching the inbox.

What is Ongage

Ongage, makes the world’s first email marketing front-end platform that seamlessly connects to more than 40 leading ESPs and SMTP relay vendors. The platform provides the ability to test and use multiple ESPs so you can find the best ESP for each audience, improve email delivery rates, increase performance, load balance costs, automate email marketing and boost overall ROI.

Ofer Shani is the President and General Manager of Ongage
Ofer Shani is the President and General Manager of Ongage .Ofer’s years of experience spearheading large development groups at companies such as Telemesser, 888 and JobInfo, are being put to good use at Ongage and ensure that new innovations are executed flawlessly.

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