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Marketing Manager @Ongage
Marketing Manager at Ongage. With an MA in Social Psychology and an Analyst title in his past, Ayal is able to bring valuable insights to the team. He currently resides in London, so if you need email or food tips, give him a shout.
Marketing Manager @Ongage
Marketing Manager at Ongage. With an MA in Social Psychology and an Analyst title in his past, Ayal is able to bring valuable insights to the team. He currently resides in London, so if you need email or food tips, give him a shout.

A list populated with double opt-ins is every email marketer’s dream. Customers coming this way are willing to commit and are more likely to…
16 min read

The complete
deliverability handbook

Read the most significant, most organized volume of information written about email deliverability.

The complete
deliverability handbook

Read the most significant, most
organized volume of information written
about email deliverability.

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